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Comfortable with uncertainty

Vic Park Community Centre

One of my favourite books of all times is Comfortable with uncertainty by Pema Chödrön. I read that book while I was still living in my motherland. So, more than 15 or 20 years ago. There was no pandemic back then. Or any other social or political disruption like we’ve experiencing it now. I don’t remember all the details or any particular sentence. But the book’s main idea never left me. Change is inevitable. And now were forced to see it with coronavirus. How can you (I) deal with it? What’s the best path? The author doesn’t present any tested recipe. Something that you just follow blindfold. I don’t have either any solution to offer you here, through this text. I honestly don’t know. I’m discovering day by day, just like you. Also, I’ve been trying to avoid any fixed ideas or opinions of how things should be. Or to create enemies and blame the ‘Other’ for this mess we’re all in. Simply, I allow myself to rest in the midst of hourly changes to our liberties and lifestyle.

Daily, I try to focus on what I still have – I can play with my son, I can walk to my oval, I ride my bicycle, I have my job and my health. So, I’m trying to accept what is being presented. What life is bringing. I, also, pay attention to my fears and anxieties. To everyone else. To a male sitting, with his dog, outside Aldi in East Vic Park. To our café strip so different to what used to be. To the sadness that echoes in my heart. I pledge to not ignore what is happening. Inside. Outside. Same. I commit myself to do my best. To do whatever is needed. A few days ago, was cooking a meal for a local health worker. What is tomorrow’s request? What is my role in the time of coronavirus? It changes on a daily basis. I don’t have a fixed answer. But I intend to keep my eyes open.


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Contact Us

248 Gloucester Street, East Victoria Park 6101

Find us on the Kent Street side of the Leisurelife Complex.

Phone: (08) 9361 1999


Office Hours: Monday to Friday: 9.00am - 5.00pm

Victoria Park Community Centre acknowledges the traditional owners of the land upon which we are located, the Whadjuk people of the Noongar nation. We pay our respects to their descendants and Elders.

Our visual identity was created by the very wonderful Morgane Guedj Creative.

The Vic Park Community Centre is an inclusive place for community building activities and programs

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